Varicose Veins Does Not Have to be a Problem

Varicose Veins Does Not Have to be a Problem

Did you know that varicose veins are not always painful? Sometimes varicose veins are more of a cosmetic problem than a medical issue. Some individuals may only seek treatment to get rid of their unpleasant appearance. Usually, varicose veins develop in the legs; however, they may occur in any part, including the hands. Nevertheless, whether varicose veins are painful or make you uncomfortable, you do not have to bear with them. The varicose veins New York specialist at Upper East Side Cardiology is here to make all that go away. Keep reading for additional information on varicose veins. 

Varicose veins, what are they?

Varicose veins are bulged dark veins visible on your skin’s surface. They may appear blue or purple. They occur when valves do not function properly, causing blood to pool in the veins.

The accumulation of blood in the veins causes the veins to appear swollen and enlarged, causing varicose veins.

Varicose veins may cause pain, itching, burning sensation, or cramping. In some cases, varicose veins might not be painful; it may only be a cosmetic concern. For both cases, medical evaluation is critical as varicose veins might suggest a vascular problem.

Phlebitis is a condition where varicose veins feel hard, painful, and hot. Luckily phlebitis heals on its own within three months.

How do varicose veins form?

Typically, veins pump blood to the heart from various parts of the body. The valves help in blood transportation. Sometimes they may become weak, causing blood to flow backward, causing blood accumulation in the veins.

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Varicose veins affect everyone, yet they are more common in women. Usually, women experience hormonal changes throughout their reproductive life, making them more vulnerable to varicose veins.

What are the risk factors for varicose veins?

You may develop varicose veins if you spend most of your time standing or sitting. Your risk for varicose veins increases if you are obese, pregnant, or have a peripheral vascular disease.

Without treatment, varicose veins may become severe. The skin around the veins may tear away, causing ulcers. Other complications include bleeding, blood clots, and bursting of the veins. To prevent these complications, seek diagnosis and treatments at Upper East Side Cardiology today to get the care you deserve.

What are the treatments for varicose veins?

Dr. Bhusri performs a comprehensive diagnosis to determine the cause of your varicose veins. Your provider takes a personalized approach to treatment. 

They recommend lifestyle modifications before proceeding to more invasive treatment methods. Some of the recommended lifestyle changes include raising your legs, compression stockings, more physical exercise, and not standing or sitting for long.

More treatment options include in-office procedures that stop blood flow into the damaged veins and redirect it to healthier veins. They include radiofrequency ablation, sclerotherapy, VenaSeal, and spider vein therapy. Where varicose veins are a sign of an existing cardiovascular problem, Dr. Bhusri recommends a treatment.

Whether varicose veins make you feel insecure or cause discomfort, make a point to seek further medical evaluation. Contact Upper East Side Cardiology today to schedule your appointment.

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