How To Alleviate Nasal Congestion

Nasal Congestion

Mild congestion can be frustrating and annoying, and the frustration only worsens when it is accompanied by sinus pain or pressure or when the congestion persists for more than two weeks. Although it may seem like a mild issue, nasal congestion Century City can interfere with your sleep quality, preventing you from performing well at school or work.

An overview of nasal congestion

Nasal congestion, commonly referred to as a stuffy nose, is a mild condition that develops when your nasal tissues and blood vessels swell, resulting in a stuffy, plugged feeling. You may or may not have nasal discharge during the congestion. Although this condition is often just an annoyance for adults, it may interfere with the quality of sleep and feeding of infants and children. Nasal congestion is rarely a sign of a severe medical disorder and, in most cases, resolves without medical intervention. However, you can seek medical attention if you experience difficulty breathing and fatigue that interferes with your daily activities.

Medical conditions triggering nasal congestion

Minor medical conditions are the common triggers of nasal congestion. Illnesses that may result in nasal congestion include sinus infections, the flu, and colds, which often improve within a week or two. If the congestion lasts longer than 14 weeks, it may indicate an underlying medical problem. Long-term nasal congestion may be due to the following:

  • Sinusitis

Sinusitis is often due to inflammation of the membranes and accumulation of mucus in your sinus. Conditions that may trigger this disorder include allergies and infections, but if you have a deviated septum or polyps, you have an elevated chance of getting sinusitis.

  • Deviated septum
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The septum is located at the center of the nose and separates the left and right nostrils. If it deviates from its original position, it can block the nasal passageways, resulting in nasal congestion.

  • Overactive nerves

The nerves in your nose responsible for regulating your blood vessels and mucus membranes may become too sensitive, resulting in swelling and enlarged tissues or excessive mucus production.

  • Enlarged turbinates

The turbinates are responsible for cleaning, filtering, heating, and humidifying air before it goes into your lungs. Sometimes they may enlarge due to aging, inflammation, allergies, or irritants, leading to nasal congestion.

  • Nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are benign growths that may occur in your sinuses or nasal passageways due to chronic inflammation.

How you can treat nasal congestion

During your appointment, Dr. Zadeh may discuss your symptoms and conduct a few tests to rule out other severe disorders. If you have a bacterial infection, he may prescribe antibiotics to treat it. Although anti-inflammatory medications, decongestants, and antihistamines can alleviate your symptoms of a deviated septum or polyps, you may need surgery to repair the septum or remove the growths. Chronic sinusitis rarely improves with prescription medications. In such cases, your doctor may recommend balloon sinuplasty, which treats the condition without cutting the tissues. Dr. Zadeh also specializes in ClariFix, an effective treatment for overactive nerves. This treatment utilizes cryotherapy to block the signals from your hyperactive nerves from traveling to the brain.

If your nasal congestion persists for longer than 14 days, call Dr. Zedah or book an appointment online for treatment.

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