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5 Benefits of Kids Dental Crowns

5 benefits of kids dental crowns

Dental restorations are common procedures these days. Apart from rectifying the aesthetics of your teeth, dental restorations also help attain proper functionalities and strong teeth. Among the various dental restoration procedures that kids undergo, dental crowns are the most common ones. Kids often suffer from weak, broken, cracked, or damaged teeth due to tooth decay or various other reasons. Dental crowns can help restore teeth to a good form and eliminate problems in the future.

What are dental crowns?

A dental crown or a cap is a restoration that covers or cups the tooth or any other dental implant from the gum line and above. The cap becomes the surface of the teeth after the procedure, and it covers and supports the entire tooth. The functionality of these crowns are the same as our teeth, and these are permanently cemented into the gum line to give better strength.

Why do kids require dental crowns?

Dental crowns or bridges are useful in the case where the tooth is removed, cracked, or damaged in some way and cannot give proper functionality. Crowns are also used in some cases to improve the appearance of the teeth. A dentist usually diagnoses the problem such as tooth decay or damage and suggests the use of bridges or crowns in the appropriate cases. The treatment to solve the problem takes place first after which dental crowns are put in place to complete the procedure.

Dentist suggests crowns when the tooth fracture or cavity covers more than half the width of the tooth. These crowns are a precaution to stop further damage to the tooth, which is now fragile. In a few cases, dentists replace large fillings in the mouth with crowns if any pressure or strain is visible in these areas. Dental crowns are more comfortable to wear and offer great support to the teeth. You can expect a better result from this and can have a shiny smile.

What are the benefits of choosing dental crowns?

A cheerful smile is important for a kid, and a dental crown can help with this. Kids often face dental problems such as tooth decay or chipped tooth. Using crowns can prevent further damage in these areas and restore a beautiful smile. Here are five benefits of using dental crowns for your kids.

1. It can give support to a tooth that might have damages from the roots: Problems such as tooth decay begin to affect the structure of the tooth from the roots. A damaged tooth could cause constant pain and discomfort. A damaged tooth needs removal or repair to restore normal functioning. This effect is possible with dental crowns. Dental crowns of various types such as stainless-steel crown, all-ceramic crowns can offer the basic strength and structure for the teeth from the base. This way, the normal functioning of the teeth will be possible in the case of kids. These crowns have similar integrity and strength as your tooth, and hence, can cover the weakness from the gums.

2. It can protect a weak tooth from further damage or cracking: Tooth decay and gum problems can cause the tooth to weaken from the roots. Also cracked or broken teeth due to accidents or any other cause can become a problem. These chipped teeth will begin to get more damaged unless a layer of protection over it helps to reduce exposure. Dental crowns are an amazing way of protecting your teeth from further damage. Kids, especially require crowns, which will keep them from disturbing or damaging the tooth anymore. The crowns cover the cracks or damage in the tooth and give it better strength. Crowns also help kids chew and eat normally without having to worry about broken teeth. This type of protection is also applicable to a worn-out tooth to reduce sensitivity.

3. It helps achieve the alignment when adult teeth begin to grow: A primary reason for rectifying dental problems at an early age is that this can help build a proper base for adult teeth to grow healthily. Gaps or missing teeth at a young age could cause the adult teeth to grow in a crooked manner or go out of alignment. Damaged, cracked, or removed teeth could cause this alignment problem when your kid starts to lose the milk teeth and adult teeth begin to grow. Dental crowns help maintain the required gap between the teeth to ensure that there is a place to grow. They can be a healthy start for your kid`s dental health.

4. It can help reduce or eliminate the need for more complicated procedures in the future:

Dental issues usually pile up over the years, and if left unattended for long could lead to chronic problems that require intense treatments. Tooth decay, sensitivity, and various other dental problems become difficult over time. Eliminating or covering the tooth that causes dental problems at a young age can help ensure there are no complicated procedures required to fix them in the future. This is especially applicable after a root canal or cracked tooth as the tooth is prone to fracture in this case. Dental crowns can give it support and strength.

5. It can improve the aesthetics of the teeth: Everyday habits such as consuming too much soda, sugar could cause the tooth to discolor. The enamel of the tooth starts getting damaged, leaving it exposed. Apart from the yellow tone, the tooth also starts becoming sensitive. Various other habits also cause tooth discoloration, which could be embarrassing when your kids smile. Dental crowns can be very useful in this case as it covers the outer layer of the tooth and gives it better looks as well as protection.

Temporary vs Permanent Crowns

Temporary and permanent crowns primarily vary in terms of the materials used. Temporary crowns give immediate support after installing at a dentist office while the permanent crown is under preparation in a dental laboratory. There are various material options for permanent crowns such as ceramic, stainless steel, whereas temporary crowns are mostly made of acrylic.

Preaching dental health and hygiene should be a priority since childhood. Having a healthy mouth and teeth is all about having the right habits. Kids need to develop these from a very young age to enjoy the benefits of good dental health in the future. Apart from general dental health, kids should also begin treatments for dental issues, if any at a younger age to identify and rectify the root of the problem faster. This way, you can achieve good health in the years to come.

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