What to Expect From a Safelift Procedure

your doctor

After a Safelift procedure, you might experience swelling, redness, and pain. For the first day or two after treatment, you should avoid strenuous activities and keep your head elevated. Also, your doctor will provide specific post-op instructions to ensure everything is done correctly to achieve successful results. Once healed, you can enjoy a rejuvenated face with years taken off your appearance. Although Dallas Safelift can have long-lasting effects, the aging process cannot be stopped. Thus, future noninvasive rejuvenation therapies may help to maintain a youthful appearance.

The ideal candidate for a Safelift

People who have good preservation of their facial volume and who have smooth or unwrinkled skin but are showing indicators of aging are ideal candidates for Safelift. Also, those with mild to moderate sagging in the midface may benefit from a Safelift procedure for facial rejuvenation. The operation can be performed in a few hours under local anesthesia with a rapid recovery time of 5 to 7 days, making it an excellent option for those who cannot afford a lengthy recovery period. Most patients can resume normal activities 2 to 3 days after their procedure.

For those with numerous areas of the face impacted by aging, Safelift can be combined with a brow lift, blepharoplasty, or injection of fillers to enhance the result of the total facial rejuvenation. A consultation with your doctor is the best approach to ensure that you are a good candidate for the treatment or if another technique would be more effective.

The procedure of Safelift

The Safelift is an acronym for “Suture Assisted Facial Elevation.” This procedure, which may be performed under local anesthetic, combines minimally invasive procedures such as liposuction, conservative skin excision, and suspension sutures. There is little recuperation time, and it can produce remarkable effects in the right candidate. A Safelift uses suspension sutures to lift the facial tissues, reducing the undermining and elevation of the skin necessary in a full conventional facelift.

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These sutures can be inserted through your skin into the fat pads of your cheeks or along the surface of the platysma muscle in your lower neck to elevate the facial tissues without removing the skin from the tissues. As a result, the recovery time is substantially shorter, and there is less swelling and bruising than with a traditional facelift. Furthermore, suspension sutures are inserted through incisions around the ear or hairline.

Preparing for a Safelift

Your doctor will provide detailed instructions on how to prepare for your Safelift. Avoid wearing makeup and jewelry to your appointment, which might slow the process. Also, you’ll require someone to drive you home from the hospital, so plan on making these arrangements ahead of time.

Your surgeon may also advise you to stop taking certain over-the-counter medications, like aspirin and ibuprofen. These medicines can cause excessive bleeding during the procedure. You’ll need to notify your surgeon if you smoke or use tobacco. They may recommend stopping smoking or using tobacco for 4 to 6 weeks before surgery.

A Safelift is a minimally invasive facelift incorporating laser technology with a mini facelift. This procedure reduces recovery period and pain while lifting and tightening sagging skin on your face. Call Dr. Malouf Dermatology or schedule your consultation today to determine if you are the right candidate for Safelift.

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