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The Common Types of Mouthguards

Mouthguards are among the oldest sports safety equipment. They are more popular in contact games such as rugby. Also, other games and some work environments demand that you have a mouthguard before you engage in them. Despite their importance, a wrong choice of mouthguard may expose your gum and teeth to more injury if not designed by a specialist. RR Dentistry has been on the frontline in offering Georgetown mouthguards. In this post, we shall guide you on the four common types of mouthguards and have a look at how to take care of them.

  1.     Custom-fitted

They are the most expensive type of mouthguard. Dentists create them from the exact estimations of your teeth and mouth’s dimensions. They are the most comfortable, and they provide the best protection. With them, you can control the material used to make them. You can place a group order to get them at a lower price. Custom-based mouthguards are the best choice for those involved in adult games with high contact forces.

  1.     Boil-and-Bite

Boil-and-Bite is a thermoplastic material that one can shape and fit in their teeth while at home. The mouthguard is softened by boiling it in hot water. After it is heated, it becomes very soft. You can put it in your mouth, and you should press it on your teeth using your fingers. After you feel that the mouthguard has been fitted in your mouth, you have to bite it down for about 20 seconds, then remove it and let it cool under cold water. The main disadvantage of these mouthguards is that they could be better for children who want to engage in contact games. Their making procedure is made up of too much guesswork.

  1.     Stock

Stock mouthguards are made with the assumption that we have mouths and teeth shapes that are almost similar. Like shoes, they are available in different sizes. Some tend to be bulky hence making breathing very difficult. In addition, they pose a health risk factor, especially when bought for a team. As the players try to choose the one that fits them the best, they may pass mouth infections to each other. For you to get a perfect one, you have to visit a mouthguard specialist who should take your mouth’s dimensions and forward them to their distributor.

  1.     Adjustable Night Guards

These are not made for persons who clench their teeth at night. Night guards are put between your tongue and teeth to minimize your chances of committing self-mouth injuries. Other benefits of having night guards are that they decrease jaw pain, help prevent snoring and improve sleep quality. Never use them in sporting activities, for they are light and are made from soft material.

Player safety is becoming a key requirement in different sports, thus increasing the demand for mouthguards. The effect is that this has increased the chances of the market being flooded with fake mouthguards. Before you try any mouthguard, visit a mouthguard specialist. They will guide you in making the right type of mouthguard after analyzing your teeth’s structure and strength.

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