Symptoms of Soft Tissue Mass

Soft tissue masses are growths that develop in various parts of the body. It is a condition in which there is an increase in the amount of soft tissue, such as fat, bone, or muscle. Common locations for these growths include the abdomen, neck, chest, and breast. Soft tissue mass Somerville can be benign (not cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). In either case, such needs to be removed.

A benign tumor does not spread to other parts of your body and will mostly go away on its own without treatment. Benign tumors may sometimes be challenging to diagnose because they do not produce symptoms like pain or bleeding, but they could still cause serious health problems if left untreated. If you have any doubt about whether your mass is cancerous or benign, see a doctor immediately so that they can determine if it needs further testing before making any recommendations regarding treatment options.

People with soft tissue mass often experience the following symptoms:

Inflamed fatty lump

An inflamed fatty lump may feel hard under your skin and hurt when touched. It is a type of tissue mass that does not usually cause any symptoms until it breaks open, which can happen spontaneously or after pressure is applied to it. When this happens, fluid from within the mass seeps into surrounding tissues.

Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain is a common symptom of soft tissue mass. This pain can be dull, achy, sharp, and stabbing in nature. It can also radiate to the back or legs. The intensity of your abdominal pain may vary from mild to severe, depending on where it originates from within your body.

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Swelling or soreness in the breast

Breast lumps are common in women. They can be caused by cysts, fibroadenomas (indistinguishable from normal breast tissue), or cancer.

Breast lumps can look like pressure points that feel hard to the touch and don’t move when you rub them. You may also experience a thickening of skin or tissue around your breast that feels firm or lumpy when pressed against clothing.

Difficulty swallowing

These growths can cause difficulty swallowing in the neck, chest, abdomen, or breast. A soft tissue mass in the neck may cause breathing problems and make it difficult to eat food or liquid. A chest wall mass can block the airway and cause shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing. Abdominal masses can also lead to pain during eating and an increased feeling of fullness after eating small amounts of food.

Breast lump

A breast lump could indicate breast cancer or another cancerous tumor that has spread to the breast tissue. It could also be an inflamed fatty lump caused by an injury, infection, or tumor growth. However, this type of lump is often found in women with no history of breast cancer or other types of cancer that affect the breast tissue.

In some cases, a soft tissue mass may signify another health problem that requires treatment, such as an infection or cancer. You should contact a doctor if you have a soft tissue mass that hurts and worsen or doesn’t change over time. Contact Somerset Surgical Associates, LLC, and book an appointment with a doctor to learn about soft tissue mass.

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