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What You Should Know about Flat Feet

Flat Feet

Pain in your feet may mean many things, including flat feet. It may occur due to a strain in the muscles and ligaments in your foot. Flat feet may cause stiffness and swelling, which interfere with your mobility. Different factors may cause flat feet, such as walking in high heels for long periods and wearing shoes that do not support your arch. The Colorado springs flat feet specialists provide thorough diagnosis and treatment to relieve pain and restore your feet’ health. This article will describe details of what flat feet involve.

What are flat feet?

It is a feet problem that occurs when you have no visible arches. The foot sole touches the floor or ground while standing or walking. You may develop flat feet in childhood, but it may also result from an injury or normal wear and tear that occurs with aging. Flat feet affect people differently. For some, it may not cause problems, while others may develop pain and leg misalignment.

Symptoms of flat feet

Usually, you may not experience any symptoms during the early stages of flat feet. But as it grows, you might encounter pain in your arches or heels or pain that increases during physical activity. You may also have swelling on the inside of your ankles.

Who is likely to have flat feet?

Anyone can develop flat feet, despite their race, sex, or age. However, some factors may elevate your chance of having flat feet, such as diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, or older age. You also have an increased risk of flat feet if you have had past foot and ankle injuries.

What are the common causes of flat feet?

Flat feet may occur due to weak arches, foot and ankle injuries, genetic factors, increased stress on the feet’ arches, and foot tendon injuries. Flat feet may also result from developmental abnormalities during pregnancy or in childhood.

Diagnosing flat feet

Your provider performs a physical exam on your ankles and feet, takes a front, side, and back view of your feet, and discusses your symptoms. They may also request you to stand on your toes and evaluate your shoes’ wear pattern. Further diagnosis may include X-rays and MRI, among other diagnostic tests to analyze your feet, joints, bones, and soft tissues.

Treatments for flat feet

Your provider suggests a treatment plan according to the extent of your symptoms and how they affect your life quality. For less severe cases of flat feet, you may benefit from custom-made orthotics, physical therapy, stretching exercises, and wearing supportive shoes. Your provider may recommend surgery if you do not find relief with conservative treatments. Usually, there is no specific surgery for flat feet, but your provider may use surgery to rectify other related issues, such as a torn tendon.

Suppose you encounter pain when walking or when engaging in physical activity, you may be having flat feet. It’s a foot condition where you have no foot arches, making movement hard. Having other foot injuries increases your risk of flat feet. However, the Foot and Ankle Institute of Colorado team can make your experience different. They provide effective treatments to restore your feet’ health. Call their offices today to schedule your consultation and get the help you deserve.

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