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Dental Problems That Invisalign Can Fix

Dental Problems That Invisalign Can Fix

When you have dental problems, it can be difficult to smile with confidence. You may feel like everyone is staring at your teeth and avoid social situations. New York Invisalign can help correct many different types of dental problems.

The procedure begins with a consultation with your dentist. The doctor will assess the severity of your dental problems and determine whether Invisalign is the best course of treatment for you. If it is, the dentist can take impressions of your teeth and create a custom treatment plan.

Invisalign uses a series of clear, plastic aligners to move your teeth into the correct position gradually. The aligners are almost invisible, so most people won’t even know you are wearing aligners. The Invisalign system is not only virtually invisible, but it is also removable, allowing you to eat and drink whatever you want during treatment. Brushing and flossing are also simple. In addition, they are more comfortable than traditional metal braces.

You will need to wear the aligners for at least 20 hours per day, and you will need to change after every two weeks or so. The entire treatment process usually takes about 12 months, but it can vary depending on the severity of your dental problems.

Invisalign is an effective treatment for many different types of dental problems, including:

Crooked teeth

Crooked teeth are one of the most common dental problems that Invisalign can correct. If your teeth are crooked, it can be difficult to clean them properly, leading to cavities and gum disease. Invisalign can gradually move your teeth into the correct position to have a straighter, healthier smile. Invisalign can also help with teeth crowded or spaced too far apart.


An overbite is when your upper teeth protrude past your lower teeth. This can cause problems, including jaw pain and difficulty chewing. Invisalign can gradually move your teeth into the correct position, giving you a more balanced bite.


An underbite occurs when your lower teeth protrude past the upper teeth. This can cause difficulty chewing and pain in the jaw. Invisalign can gradually move your teeth into the correct position to have a more balanced bite. Your doctor can also use Invisalign to treat an open bite, which is when there is a space between the upper and lower teeth when the jaw is closed.


A crossbite is when the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth. This can cause pain in the jaw and gum disease. Invisalign can gradually move your teeth into the correct position to have a more balanced bite.

Gaps in teeth

Gaps in teeth can be caused by some things, including thumb-sucking and genetics. The gaps can also be the result of tooth loss. Invisalign can gradually move your teeth into the correct position to have a healthier, more attractive smile.

When is Invisalign not recommended?

Invisalign is not recommended for everyone. In some cases, traditional braces may be a better option. Invisalign is also not recommended for people with previous orthodontic treatment, such as braces. Another time when Invisalign may not be recommended is if you have a complex dental problem requiring a lot of teeth movement.

If you are considering Invisalign, consult with Daniel Wank DDS, to see if it is the right treatment for you.

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