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5 Potential Causes of Hand Tremors

Hand Tremors

When you have a tremor, you experience an involuntary rhythmic shaking or movement in a particular region of your body. The uncontrollable rhythmic movement indicates muscle contractions, a sign of a neurological disorder. Tremors often result from an issue affecting the cerebellum, the section of your brain that controls the coordination and movement of your muscles. Your hands are one of the body parts often affected by New York tremors. The shaking condition may also affect your head, tongue, vocal cords, and legs. The involuntary shaking movements are different from muscle cramps and spasms.

A muscle cramp or spasm occurs when there is an involuntary and painful contraction of your muscle. On the contrary, a muscle twitch, also called fasciculation, is a brief, automatic movement of a small section of a more significant soft tissue, making it easy to see the contraction under your skin.

Hand tremors often appear differently depending on their causes. Consequently, below are some potential causes of your trembling or shaking hands.

  1. Enhanced physiologic tremor

As a form of tremor, it does not originate due to a neurological disease. One of the common signs of enhanced physiologic tremor is the fine shaking of your hands, which appears and reappears. Enhanced physiologic tremor is your body’s reaction to alcohol withdrawal, intense physical exercise, stress, anxiety, low blood sugar, or excessive production of thyroxine. Other medications you may be using, like stimulants, may also cause the trembling of our hands.

2. Essential tremor

Essential tremors may start from your hands and end up in other areas of your body, including your arms and head.

When you have shaky hands, your problem will continually worsen if you perform daily tasks like writing, using an instrument, or pouring a glass of water. The symptoms of the condition are usually mild when you are resting.

You will require treatment if you have a severe condition, making it difficult to perform your everyday activities.

Your tremors specialist may recommend injections like Botox to paralyze your muscles to stop trembling or shaking. Other treatment options at the disposal of your health specialist are rehabilitative devices, oral medications, or surgery. The surgery involves implanting a device in your brain to control the tremors.

3. Parkinson’s Disease

The disease affects about half a million Americans. But, many more may be affected since the condition is often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder affecting the central nervous system. As a result, your hands and legs may tremble and have stiff or slow movement. Because of body balance issues and stiff movement, you are always at risk of falling.

4. Stress

You may have stress due to different issues such as financial constraints, relationship troubles, lack of enough sleep, severe anger, and health problems.

A stressful situation may trigger or worsen your tremors, leading to shaky hands.

5. Multiple sclerosis

The disease involves your immune system eating away the protective sheath covering nerve fibers, causing problems in communication between your brain and other sections of your body.

Contact New York Neurology Associates today for specialist treatment of your tremors.

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