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What Does a Chiropractor Do? 

A chiropractor is massaging a woman

If you have been recently recommended for chiropractic care or are curious if a Richardson chiropractic service can help you with a specific medical condition, you may wonder what services these medical professionals provide.

A chiropractor is a medical care provider that focuses on neuromuscular disorders that are causing their patients to experience pain and discomfort. It is the belief of a chiropractor that when the spine or other major joints are out of alignment, the body cannot function properly, leading to discomfort and other health conditions.

The best chiropractor in Dallas will offer more than just spinal alignments for your medical conditions. They may also offer large joint alignments such as shoulders and knees, physical therapy, massage therapy, and nutritional counseling. Many chiropractors also have additional specialty services such as supplement counseling and weight loss therapies.

Finding the Best Chiropractor in Dallas

When you are looking for Richardson chiropractic care, there are a few things that you should look for in a chiropractic service. The type of light used in red light therapy is very low-level and not the same as UV rays.

– Whole Health Approach
– Additional Services

Working with a chiropractor that uses the whole health approach will help you get the best results from your treatments. For example, your spine may be suffering from misalignment due to weakened muscles in your back allowing the spine to move. Working with a physical therapist can help you build your back muscles, improving your overall health and well-being.

You would also want to use a chiropractor that has additional services available at their office. Face it, things are complicated enough, and having to run to different offices for different treatments is just not possible for many people. Working with a chiropractor that can help you with many different services in-house will save you a lot of time and aggravation.

What Types of Conditions Can Chiropractors Treat?

Chiropractic care can help you manage several different conditions that you may not be aware of, including:

– Lower back pain
– Upper back pain
– Shoulder pain
– Neck pain – not whiplash
– Whiplash
– Sciatica
– Migraines
– Tension headaches
– Knee or large joint pain
– Arthritic pain
– Sports injuries
– Balance problems

A chiropractor can provide relief for all of these conditions through spinal and joint alignments as well as additional therapies, including massage, hot or cold therapies, and physical therapy.

Many chiropractors are also very interested in nutrition because of the impact good nutrition plays on your health. While you are receiving treatment, your chiropractor may encourage you to learn more about proper nutrition or add supplements to your diet for better health.

Now that you know what a chiropractor can do for you and your health, you should feel more comfortable about using their services. having your spine adjusted and taking advantage of other therapies provided by a chiropractor can improve your overall health, bring relief from pain and discomfort, and help you remain or get active again. It is a great way to improve your health without surgery or potentially dangerous medications.


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