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What Causes Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are a common problem with many adults in the world. They appear as big, enlarged, and twisted veins on the skin’s surface. Varicose veins may occur in any body part but are common in the legs. They may be unsightly, causing cosmetic concerns, and may also cause uncomfortable symptoms. You may need a thorough diagnosis to determine the cause and develop a personalized treatment plan. The varicose veins Port Saint Lucie specialist and TLC Medical Group Inc team provide advanced treatments to eliminate varicose veins. Here we discuss different causes of varicose veins.

What causes varicose veins?

Different factors may lead to varicose veins. Identifying the cause of your problem can help you find solutions and prevent varicose veins. This article will help you understand various causes of varicose veins. Veins carry blood to the heart from the body. Valves assist the veins with the pumping of blood to the heart. Unfortunately, the veins may shut down or malfunction due to different reasons, causing blood to flow back and pool in the veins. It leads to venous insufficiency, the main cause of varicose veins. Blood accumulates in your veins, leading to varicose veins. Various factors may contribute to varicose veins, including the following.


Aging increases your risk for varicose veins. It causes the vein walls and valves to wear and weaken, causing blood to flow back into your veins. Though varicose veins may develop at any age, they are more likely to occur in older people.


The mother’s body produces more blood during pregnancy to support the mother and the growing baby. The increased blood flow stretches the veins and valves, causing them to weaken and lead to varicose veins. Pregnancy also causes the release of hormones that may relax the vein walls. The developing fetus may put pressure on the abdominal veins, causing swelling of the veins. Varicose veins related to pregnancy disappear after childbirth.


Varicose veins affect everyone but are more common in women. Usually, women experience hormonal changes during menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy. Hormones dilate the veins, causing varicose veins. Hormonal birth control treatments may also lead to varicose veins.

Family history

You are more likely to develop varicose veins if your family members have had varicose veins.

Lack of physical exercise and obesity

Exercise strengthens your muscles and body tissues, including the veins. Regular exercise can promote circulation and reduce the risk of the unsightly veins in your legs. Excessive weight may put extra pressure on your veins, elevating your chances of having varicose veins. A healthy weight can support the veins and enhance healthy circulation.


Occupations that involve standing or sitting for long periods cause the vein valves to overwork, which may weaken and cause them to malfunction. Making some movements can improve circulation and prevent varicose veins. You may also develop varicose veins if you have a blood clot in your vein.

Different factors are likely to cause varicose veins. Whatever the cause of your varicose veins, your provider at TLC Medical Group offers treatments to eliminate them and restore your health. Usually, the treatment focuses on removing the damaged vein to restore blood circulation. Call TLC Medical Group Inc today to schedule your consultation or book an appointment online.

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