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Simple Home Remedies to Alleviate Sinusitis Symptoms

Home Remedies to Alleviate Sinusitis Symptoms

Your skull has small cavities filled with air called sinuses. They produce mucus which helps keep the nasal passages clear of pollutants and allergens. Sometimes the tissue lining these cavities can swell, blocking off the sinuses and trapping air and mucus inside them. The inflammation of the tissue lining these small cavities is called sinusitis. The inflammation usually causes pain, pressure, and sometimes bacterial infection. 

Your New York facial plastic surgeon may recommend surgery if you have chronic sinusitis due to a deviated septum, polyps, or other structural problems. But many people with sinusitis often find relief with the following home remedies.

Nasal irrigation

Nasal irrigation is a process of flushing out your sinuses with salt water to clear out mucus and other debris and keep your sinuses moist. You can flush out your sinuses using a neti pot or bulb syringes. If you are using a neti pot, follow the directions supplied with your specific neti pot. Below are general guidelines.

It is best to use distilled water because water from the sink contains contaminants like bacteria or parasites, which could worsen your condition. Also, be careful to sanitize your neti pot after every use and store it in a clean place.

Drink plenty of water

Consuming a lot of fluids, especially water, helps thin the mucus, reducing the blockage in your sinuses. You also want to avoid alcohol since it worsens inflammation.

Keep your sinuses hydrated

Keeping your sinuses hydrated can ease congested and swollen nasal passages. Here are various tips to ensure your sinuses are hydrated.


It is best to take it easier than usual when you’ve got a sinus infection. Get adequate sleep and rest when you feel tired to give your body a chance to recover. For some people, home remedies may do the trick. But it is best to see your doctor if your symptoms have lasted several days or are severe.

If your sinusitis symptoms are recurrent, visit your healthcare provider at Matthew W. Shawl, MD, for treatment to eliminate the symptoms and improve your quality of life.

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