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Restore Optimal Mobility With Partial Knee Replacement

Knee pain that interferes with mobility can significantly lower your quality of life. Fortunately, the Mitchell Hip and Knee team offers partial knee replacement surgery that alleviates your symptoms and guarantees quicker recovery. This surgery is especially beneficial for people with issues with only one part of their knee.

What you should know about partial knee replacement

Medical experts may recommend partial knee replacement if the damage in your knee due to osteoarthritis is confined to one part of your knee. During the surgery, your provider only replaces the damaged compartment with a prosthesis. Dr. Mitchell performs the surgery meticulously, preserving the rest of your knee and guaranteeing excellent results. A few decades ago, partial knee replacement was selectively for older adults with minimal physical activity. Even younger patients can benefit from partial knee replacement, considering it is less painful and has a shorter recovery time.

Determining your eligibility for partial knee replacement surgery

You may need partial knee replacement surgery when you have severe damage to one part of your knee. In most cases, osteoarthritis is responsible for such damage. Your provider may also suggest this surgery if you have rheumatoid arthritis or a knee cap fracture. Dr. Mitchell and his team only recommend surgery if your pain doesn’t respond to conservative treatments and interferes with your daily life.

Although anyone can benefit from partial knee replacement surgery, your provider may need to perform a thorough physical test to ensure your overall health is satisfactory. Your doctor may check your range of motion and take X-rays of your knee to assess the extent of the damage. To be eligible for the surgery, you need to have stability in your knee, and the ACL ought to be intact for the treatment to be successful. If knee pain hinders you from doing simple activities such as walking or interferes with the quality of your sleep, you may need to consider partial knee replacement surgery.

What to expect during recovery

Surgical procedures always have risks, and partial knee replacement is no exception. You may experience late complications such as prosthesis failure, knee joint stiffness, or infection at the surgical. If you experience any discomfort, don’t hesitate to inform your provider immediately. After treatment, your knee function is expected to return more rapidly and with less discomfort than with total knee replacement. Dr. Mitchell may refer you to a physical therapist to mobilize the affected knee during your stay in the hospital and after discharge. You may only need to remain at the facility for observation two days after surgery. Your provider may prescribe specific medication to prevent blood clots and alleviate pain. If the surgery is successful, you should be able to resume your daily activities within eight weeks. However, you may need to avoid impact exercises or running to prevent the wearing of the bearing surface. You can still enjoy your other favorite activities like skiing and tennis.

Call Dr. Michell or book an appointment online for more information about partial knee replacement surgery.

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