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Everything You Need to Know About A Breast Lift

Breast Lift

A breast lift is a surgical treatment that changes the shape and appearance of your breast. Breast changes often result from breastfeeding, aging, major weight loss, and genetics. A breast lift East Windsor may involve your surgeon lifting your breast higher on your chest, making your breasts more symmetrical, or reducing the size of your areola. The surgery may also include removing extra skin, reshaping your breast to a more rounded appearance, or tightening your breast tissue to better your nipples and areolas. You can consider a breast lift if your breasts sag, nipples point downward, or one breast is lower than the other. A breast lift only changes your breast shape and not size.

How to prepare for a breast lift

Your doctor will recommend you avoid certain medications, like aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs, several days before your breast lift. If you smoke, stop the habit several days before treatment, as it slows the healing process. Talk to your doctor about any medications and herbal supplements you may be taking. Ensure you arrange for someone to take you home after the surgery.

What happens during the breast lift procedure?

Your surgeon will administer local anesthesia to numb your breast during the surgery. In some cases, doctors use general anesthesia. There are various techniques for a breast lift, depending on your concern. Procedures vary based on the location of the cuts and scars. Your surgeon can make incisions around the areola, the darker regions surrounding your nipples, or horizontally along your breast crease. The surgeon may make cuts extending downward from your areola to your breast creases. Also, the provider can have stitches deep in your breasts to reshape the breast tissue. Stitches may also help minimize areola size.

After making the incisions, your surgeon removes excess breast skin, shifts your nipples to higher positions, and brings together the breast skin. The surgeon will then close the cuts using stitches, skin adhesives, or surgical tape and cover your breasts with gauze and a surgical support bra. You may have small tubes at the incision sites to drain excess blood or fluid.

What happens after breast lift surgery?

Your specialist will teach you how to care for the drains and change bandages. After the breast lift surgery, your breast will be swollen and bruised for about two weeks. Pain at surgical sites is also common. Your doctor can prescribe medications to control pain and prevent infection. You will have to sleep on your back for several days.

What are the risks or complications of a breast lift surgery?

A breast lift surgery can lead to complications like breast asymmetry, bleeding, blood clots, breast skin, nipple or areola numbness, and infection at incision sites. Skin irregularities, scarring, pain that does not ease with medications, inability to lactate in the future, and loss of nipple or areola are other risks of a breast lift.

A breast lift changes your breast shape and appearance. It addresses imperfections like sagging breasts, uneven breasts, and areolas that face downward. Schedule an appointment with Matthew J. Lynch MD Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in East Windsor, for a breast lift to make your breasts firmer.

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